Herbal Remedy Tips pg.1

These are not to be followed without consulting a trusted herbalist or person in your tribe experienced in handling herbs (elder, medicine person, midwife, healer, etc.).  These are ONLY tips and helpful hints. Spiritwalker

The pictures used to create the backgrounds for many of the 'herbal' pages were obtained from:
Free Herbal Pictures dot Com
thank you Karen Shelton, for making these available.


Blending Herbs With Drug Medications

If you are currently on drug medications, talk with your
health care practitioner or pharmacist about adding herbal
remedies to your treatment plan. There are a few drugs and
herbal remedy combinations to avoid. Seek professional
advice to stay safe and healthy.

Victoria Snelling

Insect Bites

Summer brings more opportunity to try herbal treatments for
insect bites. Mosquito bites are uncomfortable, and bites
can itch, sting, and become inflamed in some individuals.
Use a solution of 15% Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)
on the bites for quick relief.

Victoria Snelling

Avoid the following herbs in therapeutic doses during pregnancy--
Aloe vera, Angelica, Autumn crocus, Barberry, Black cohosh,
Celery seed, Devil's claw, Goldenseal, Hyssop, Juniper,
Male fern, Mandrake, Parsley seed, Pennyroyal, Pokeweed,
Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Southerwood, Tansy, Thuja, Wormwood,
-The Illustrated Book of Herbs(1996 edition), Chapter VI HERBAL Healing


Milk Thistle And Psoriasis

The extract of milk thistle called "Silymarin" is a
well-known remedy for the liver. This herbal extract is
also effective in the treatment of psoriasis. Follow label
directions for use on the standardized form of Silymarin.-Victoria Snelling

The Following Herbs are useful during & after pregnancy--

**Chopped Celery, Parsley, Land Cress, & Rocket -- taken in moderate amounts
for vitamins and minerals
**Raspberry Leaf -- to tone the uterus, but should never be used during the first
trimester of pregnancy
**Chamomile, Ginger, Peppermint -- for morning sickness
**Goldenseal -- during labor to assist the uterus(never take during pregnancy)
**St. John's Wort oil with added Lavender oil -- to heal the perineum after birth
**Oats -- use oat tincture for postpartum depression
**Fanugreek, Fennel, Caraway, & Milk Thistle -- to promote milk production
**Sage -- for reduction of milk flow during weaning
**Fennel -- for baby's colic
**Cabbage Leaves (bruise and apply externally) & Echinacea (take tincture
internally) relieve the pain of mastis
**Calendula Cream -- for diaper rash and cracked nipples

Valerian For Hypertension

Valerian root is often thought of in the treatment of
insomnia or anxiety. This herbal treatment is also useful
in cases of high blood pressure. Use a standardized
tincture of Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and follow
label directions. Let your health care practitioner know
that you are using this herbal remedy as part of your
treatment for hypertension.

Victoria Snelling

Red Raspberry

 Red Raspberry is useful for menstrual cramps and as a uterine tonic prior to childbirth.
 A tea made from red raspberry leaves is also helpful in restoring regularity
 to the menstrual cycle after the use of birth control pills.

Victoria Snelling

Lavender Bath Salts

 Bath salts are cleansing to the skin as well as to the spirits. Lavender
 adds a relaxing component to this recipe. Add one cup of coarse sea salt
(or Kosher salt), one cup of Epsom salts, and one cup of borax. Mix well.
Add drops of Lavender essential oil, a few drops at a time, until you have
the aroma strength you desire. Mix well. Store in airtight jar,
 which you can decorate for gift giving.

Victoria Snelling

  Ginger Elixir

To stimulate digestive enzymes and to increase theabsorption of nutrients,
try this Ayurvedic remedy. Combineginger, honey, lemon, cayenne pepper,
cumin, and groundcoriander together. Add enough of the mixture to hot waterto
please your taste. Sip and enjoy the balancing effects.

Victoria Snelling

Dandelion Greens

Super Food Dandelion greens can often be found in the produce
section of your local health food store. If you can easily identify the
leaves in your garden, you may have a ready supply. Harvest your own
 dandelion greens, which are high in more than 74 nutrients, if your
lawn is organic (NO chemical sprays applied) and at least 75 feet away
 from the roadway. Raw in a salad, dandelion is an appetite
regulator, digestive aid, and mild diuretic.

Victoria Snelling

Yarrow For Blisters
Use a strong tea made from the leaves and flowers of the yarrow plant
 to soothe the discomfort of blisters. Dip a gauze pad into the cooled
 tea and apply topically. A strong yarrow tea can also be mixed with
a natural moisturizing cream and applied to blisters.

Victoria Snelling

Soften Tough Hands

 Using a mortar and pestle if you have them, mix two ouncesof ground
 almonds, four to five teaspoons of an oil likealmond or grape seed,
and four teaspoons of lemon or limejuice. Work the mixture together into
 a paste, adding whitewine or brandy until the texture is right. Store the
 handpaste in an airtight container in the fridge. With regularuse, this
 paste will remove toughened calluses and softenyour
 hands, as well as clean them

 Carla Joy

Peppermint For Nausea

Peppermint oil contains menthol, flavonoids, and vitamins Aand C.
The leaves contain the majority of the plant's oiland make a flavorful tea.
 The tea is a good remedy formorning sickness or the nausea of motion sickness.

 Victoria Snelling

Rosemary For Mental Confusion

Confusion and loss of memory can be a problem as we age,and
 herbal remedies can be of assistance. Rosemary is atonic for the
 nervous system and can aid memory andconcentration.

 Victoria Snelling

Aromatherapy For Your Laundry

Herbal sachets in your clothing drawers can impart a
delicate scent to your clothing. You can also rinse your
laundry in aromatherapy oils to give a fragrance to your
clothes. Add 15-20 drops of lavender, or another essential
oil, to one cup of water. Add this to your laundry during
the rinse cycle. (You may want to test any delicate fabric
with the diluted solution first.)

 Victoria Snelling

Kidney Stones

 For calcium kidney stones, add Senna or Aloe verajuice to your diet,
 just short of the dose needed to cause loose stools. The dosage will
 vary from person to person.Use this, in addition to
following your doctor's advice,until you are pain free.

 Victoria Snelling

Herbal Breast Enlargement

The following recipe, made from sprouted Fenugreek seeds,is
 purported to safely and effectively enlarge the breasttissue. Speak to
 your health care provider if you wouldlike to try this treatment. Add
 one cup of fenugreek spoutsand two cups of water to a stainless
 steel pan. Addone-eighth teaspoon each of lemongrass, licorice,
marjoram,fennel, dill, basil, anise, and caraway. Bring to a boil,then
 allow the tea to cool. Add honey if desired, and drinkone or two
cups a day. Fennel contains phytoestrogens and fenugreek
contains a plant precursor of estrogen. .

Victoria Snelling

Rejuvenating Bath

 Avena sativa, or oat straw, makes an energizing, rejuvenating bath
additive. Add one ounce of oat straw to two quarts of boiling pure
 water in a glass container. Allow to steep for four hours. Add to a hot
bath and soak for as long as is comfortable, keeping the water
 a warm temperature. This infusion is also nourishing to dry
skin and yet is not over-moisturizing to oily skin.

 Victoria Snelling

Natural Moth Repellent

If you've packed your winter woolens away, you might want to
add a dried herbal mixture to deep the moths away. Combine
 one part lavender flowers, one part dried rosemary leaves,
 and two parts dried wormwood leaves. Make sachets by filling
 cheesecloth squares with the crushed herbs, and tying or
 sewing the ends of the cheesecloth together. Keep a sachet
 in each drawer. Tie a ribbon around a sachet to hang on
 a wool suit or dress. Replenish these each season.

 Victoria Snelling

Immune Support

 Many medicinal plants have antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal
 activity. To assist the body in healing an infection, or in
 preventing infection that is being "shared" around your family,
 Echinacea and Astragalus are two good choices. Tinctures
 and capsules for the freeze-dried plant are two good methods
of administration. When you follow label instructions, these two
can be taken together for a synergistic effect.
 Astragalus has been shown to raise T-cell activity.

Victoria Snelling

Nettle Hair Rinse

 Nettle will add a luster to the hair when used as a leave-in rinse.
 It will nourish hair growth and lessen dandruff. Make one quart
 of strong nettle tea. Add one-quarter cup of apple cider vinegar
 and a few drops of an essential oil, such as rose or lavender. After
 shampooing, towel dry the hair and pour the tea over the hair,
 gently squeezing out the excess, and leave to partially dry before styling.

 Victoria Snelling

Herbal Expectorant For Bronchitis

 Effective natural cough expectorants can be nearlyimpossible to
 find, even at your local health food stores.It's not difficult to make
 your own if you have access to agood supply of herbs. This
formula is gentle and effective.Mix together two ounces of
licorice root and one ounce eachof wild cherry bark, coltsfoot,
 lobelia, and horehound.Boil gently in four cups of pure water for
 a few minutes,and then steep for 10 minutes. Strain and sip one
 cup everytwo hours (one-half cup for a child). This can be
 sweetened or flavored with honey or lemon if desired.

 Victoria Snelling

Recycle Your Tea Bags!

Ordinary black tea, or Camellia sinensis, will soothe tired
and irritated eyes. After brewing tea, allow the tea bags
to cool, and apply to your closed eyes while you relax for
10-15 minutes. These "used" tea bags are also useful in
applying to minor injuries and insect bites.

 Victoria Snelling

Echinacea For Stamina

Echinacea is most commonly taken to fight infection and to
boost the immune system. This versatile herb will also help
to fight fatigue, building stamina and endurance.

Victoria Snelling

Earache Due To Teething

Plantago is useful in relieving the pain of earache. Keep
the tincture form on hand if you have small children. Two
to three drops in each ear can relieve the inflammation and
pain in a teething child, or in a young adult with Wisdom

 Victoria Snelling

Herbal Sedatives

St. John's Wort, or Hypericum perforatum, is commonly used
in combating feelings of depression. St. John's Wort is
also effective in relieving anxiety. Take standardized
tinctures or capsules as the label directs.

 Victoria Snelling

Hawthorne Berry And High Blood Pressure

European doctors who recommend natural medicines commonly
prescribe Hawthorn berry extract for hypertension, or high
blood pressure. Follow label directions on a standardized

 Victoria Snelling

Aloe Vera And Constipation

Aloe vera, in liquid or capsule form, offers many
protective benefits to the gastrointestinal tract. This
plant extract will also relieve symptoms of constipation
when taken as the label directs.

 Victoria Snelling

Stomach Ulcers And Plantains

A substance in unripe plantain bananas will protect the
lining of the digestive tract and assist the healing
process in ulcerous conditions. Your local health food
store may have a tablet extract that is easy to take.

 Victoria Snelling

Toothache Remedy

Cloves, grown in tropical climates but not in the US,
release an oil when they are scraped or bruised that acts
as a temporary skin anesthetic. Since you will probably not
be growing these in your garden, simply purchase any brand
of cloves from a local grocery store in the spice aisle.
Take about ten cloves and remove the stems, then wrap them
in a piece of cotton and roll this package back and forth
on a countertop, or crush it lightly in your hands. Discard
the pieces of cloves and wipe the sore tooth and gum with
the oil on the piece of cotton. Another option is to bruise
a clove slightly, then roll it around in your mouth. You
may also be able to find Oil of Cloves at a health food

 Carla Joy


Throat pain due to pharyngitis may respond to gargling with
warm water with one tablespoon of salt added, twice a day.
You can also sip tea made from slippery elm (Ulmus fulva)
and marshmallow root (Althea officinalis). The two herbs
help to ease inflammation and clear away mucous, promoting

Victoria Snelling

Influenza Prevention

A reader wrote in to share her experience with herbal
medicine, reminding me that if one family member develops
influenza, treatment with Black Elderberry tincture will
protect other family members from the flu. The flu sufferer
will also recover faster by using this herbal tincture as
the label directs.

 Victoria Snelling

 Herbal Detoxification: Skin

Perspiration is the skin's natural cleansing mechanism. For
a weekly sweat bath, add one half cup of Epsom salts, one
half cup of sea salt (or Kosher salt), and a few drops of
essential oil to a very warm-to-hot bath. Soak for 15-20
minutes, and then gently scrub the skin with a mild soap
and a natural fiber loofa sponge.

 Victoria Snelling

 Sunflower Seeds For Health

Sunflowers range from in height from around two feet to
over ten feet. Not surprisingly, the larger varieties have
the best seeds to eat. These flowers need full sun, and can
be seeded directly into the ground after the last frost.
You may need to stake the taller sunflowers for support and
tie netting over the flower heads when they get big and
full of seeds to keep the birds from eating them up before
you harvest them. Cut off the flower heads when they're
full, leaving a couple of inches of stem so you can hang
them upside down to dry. Then remove the seeds from the
heads. You'll have to store the seeds in the refrigerator,
because they can spoil. Sunflowers are full of B vitamins
and help you process food into energy. Try eating them on a
salad or on a bagel with cream cheese, lettuce, tomatoes,
and cucumbers.

Carla Joy

 Heartburn And Garlic

Garlic is a natural remedy for heartburn and reflux. It is
best taken as fresh garlic, not as tablets or pills. Fresh
garlic also supports normal bowel flora, and kills H.
pylori, which has been indicated as a cause of stomach

Victoria Snelling

 Barley Water For Colds

Barley water is a good mild cold remedy, especially for
children and the elderly. To make it, wash two small
handfuls of barley in cold water and discard the water.
Then boil the barley in a small amount of water for a
couple of minutes, strain it out, and discard that water as
well. Now put the barley in five cups of water, adding two
whole lemons cut into pieces. Boil this until the liquid
has reduced by half. Strain your mixture, add honey, and
drink this freely while suffering from a cold.

Carla Joy

 Herbal Detoxification: Colon

Fresh fruits and vegetables are naturally cleansing to the
colon, and should be liberally added to the diet. To
enhance colon detoxification, use psyllium husks, garlic,
chlorophyll, multi-digestive enzymes, and acidophilus. Use
herbal senna and cascara segrada if constipated.

Victoria Snelling

 Wormwood And Anti-Parasite Activity

Wormwood has been used traditionally to rid the body of
parasites. For this purpose, use a good quality tincture
and follow the label directions. Continue treatment for 14
days for best results.

Victoria Snelling


Chamomile is a perennial with a pleasant apple-like scent
that can have a white flower with a yellow center. It can
be grown from seed in the spring, with the young plants set
six inches apart in their permanent positions. Often used
in the form of tea, chamomile has been recommended for
headaches, chills, fevers, digestive trouble, nervousness,
and as a tonic to brighten hair.

For a pint of chamomile tea, use six flowers (or around
four teaspoons of dried leaves) and steep the tea for five
to ten minutes. Add a small teaspoon of honey to each cup
to sweeten the otherwise very mild flavor.

Carla Joy

 Herbal Detoxification: Kidneys

Use detoxifying herbs in tincture or capsule form, or use
the herbs to make a tea. To cleanse the kidneys, use uva
ursi, juniper berries, goldenseal, ginger, and dandelion.

Victoria Snelling

 Herbal Detoxification: Lungs

Breathing exercises, offered at many yoga classes, can keep
the lungs and muscles of respiration in good repair. If you
smoke, use any method available to stop. The following
herbs can help to cleanse the lungs: comfrey, mullein, and
slippery elm.

Victoria Snelling

 Herbal Detoxification: General

Teas, powdered herbs in capsules, or liquid extracts are
easy-to-use forms of herbal remedies. Along with herbal
detoxification, keep to a good diet, drink plenty of pure
water and exercise moderately.

Victoria Snelling

 Acid Reflux And Wormwood

Reflux esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus and
is often caused by acid from the stomach refluxing back up
into the esophagus. We commonly experience this as
heartburn. This may or may not be accompanied by a hiatal
hernia, and possibly other symptoms. The antioxidants in
Wormwood will decrease the over-acidity and protect against
inflammation and ulceration.

Victoria Snelling

 Fenugreek And Blood Sugar

An amino acid found in fenugreek called
4-hydroxyisoleucine, has favorable effects on blood sugar
levels. If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, be sure to
regularly check your blood sugar levels and follow your
doctor's treatment recommendations. However, it's good to
know that you can safely add Fenugreek to any treatment

Victoria Snelling

 Feverfew And Pregnancy

The name "feverfew" comes from the Latin work meaning to
"reduce fever." In addition to this use, herbal feverfew
will bring on a late menstrual period and will help to
deliver a retained placenta after childbirth. Fresh
feverfew leaves are considered to be most effective as a
remedy. If you're using a packaged product, take care to
check the expiration date. The longer a feverfew product
has been on the shelf, the less potent it will be.

Victoria Snelling

 Garlic's Many Uses

Garlic is one of the oldest cultivated plants. Even the
ancient Egyptians recognized the antibiotic properties of
garlic. In addition to its antibiotic properties, garlic
will help reduce cholesterol levels and lower high blood

 Victoria Snelling


Chickweed is a good external remedy for cuts, wounds,
bruises, and itching. It is especially useful for the skin
irritations association with eczema or psoriasis. Chickweed
is common in gardens (where most gardeners don't want it)
and in fields, and can be collected throughout the year.
Harvest the leaves and flowers. You can use these fresh in
a strong infusion for your bath to combat itching or
applied as a poultice. You can also make an ointment for
itching or skin irritation by mixing the chickweed with
marshmallow in a base of beeswax, wheat germ oil, and cocoa

Carla Joy

 Plantago Tincture

A baby's teething pain and an adult's toothache will
respond to the same herbal remedy. Plantago tincture or
lotion, applied to the gums, will ease the pain of

Victoria Snelling