SPIRIT VISION CRAFTS EXCELLENCE AWARD requirements are as follows:
Site must have information and/or links about Native Americans that related to historical facts, the different tribes, dwellings, family life, non-restricted religious information (information that is open to everyone, NOT things only taught within sacred ceremonies), stories (these can be factual or fiction based on known facts, also stories passed down through the tribes), poems, recipes, and any information that is factual not fictional.
Site MUST be FAMILY FRIENDLY. NO hate sites, NO sites with pornography, NO sites showing cruelty of any kind (human nor animal). It is understood that the historical information in itself will contain some descriptions of cruelty, but extending the descriptions is NOT allowed.
Sites can be commercial orientated, but these sites will only be judged on their non-commercial content. If the site becomes a receipent of this award, there will be a disclaimer on our awards page, next to their link, stating that this site is commercial and the judging didn't include this portion of their site.
Ease of navigation is important to everyone visiting your site, so we will look at this also.
Reasonable upload time is expected. We understand that the greater amounts of graphics on a page will mean a slower upload time. Therefore, we will take this into consideration in our judgement but it will lower the score proportionally.
The level of graphic experience and taste will be looked at for content also. They MUST also be FAMILY FRIENDLY.
UWOHILI ADANVDO NATURE AWARD requirements are as follows:
Site must have information and/or links about nature, wildlife, and/or activism for the preservation of the forementioned. Stories about animals are also welcome.
Site MUST be FAMILY FRIENDLY. NO hate sites, NO sites with pornography, NO sites showing cruelty of any kind (human nor animal). It is understood that the historical information in itself will contain some descriptions of cruelty, but extending the descriptions is NOT allowed.
Ease of navigation is important to everyone visiting your site, so we will look at this also.
Reasonable upload time is expected. We understand that the greater amounts of graphics on a page will mean a slower upload time. Therefore, we will take this into consideration in our judgement but it will lower the score proportionally.
The level of graphic experience and taste will be looked at for content also. They MUST also be FAMILY FRIENDLY.