Herbal Remedy Tips pg.2

These are not to be followed without consulting a trusted herbalist or person in your tribe experienced in handling herbs (elder, medicine person, midwife, healer, etc.).  These are ONLY tips and helpful hints. Spiritwalker

The pictures used to create the backgrounds for many of the 'herbal' pages were obtained from:
Free Herbal Pictures dot Com
thank you Karen Shelton, for making these available.

 Aromatherapy For Depression

Aromatherapy oils can be added to a small dish of water to
spread the scent into the air. These oils can also be added
to massage oils and applied to the skin in that manner. For
feelings of depression, use bergamot, lavender, and

Victoria Snelling


 Aromatherapy For Insomnia

A warm bath before bed can be very relaxing, especially if
you add aromatherapy oils that help to promote sleep. Add
one drop each of cardamom, nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, and

Victoria Snelling



For tension and stress that interferes with sleep, a
blended tincture can be fast-acting. Mix tinctures of
Passiflora, skullcap, and valerian in an amber-colored
dropper bottle to keep by your bedside. Take four to six
drops to help you sleep with no drowsiness the next

Victoria Snelling


 Bringing Down Fevers

Several herbs are useful in helping bring down high fevers.
Keep in mind that fevers are your body's way of fighting an
infection, so in that way they are beneficial. However, you
want to be in control of your fever. Following is a list of
herbs that can help.

Elder Flower

Consult a reputable herbal remedy book for your specific
illness. But consult your physician for any fever that
lasts more than a day or one that is excessively high.

Carla Joy


 Milk Thistle

This plant is typically considered just a weed, with large
shiny leaves that have white veins and mauve or purplish
flowers that bloom in late summer and early fall. You can
plant thistle seeds in the spring in a sunny spot. Collect
the shoots and leaves in the spring and the seeds in the
summer. You can eat the leaves in salads or steam them
(after cutting off any sharp edges). The seeds you can
grind up to add to food, dry them for storage, or make a
tincture of them.

Milk thistle is used to detoxify the liver. It's full of
antioxidants and a form of flavonoids and has been proven
in clinical studies to decrease some liver damage. Use up
to three cups of milk thistle tea per day. You can take
this remedy for several months.

Carla Joy


 Stress And Tension

Keep a special blend of herbal tea for after work, after
school, or for times of stress and tension, such as a blend
of hops, skullcap, valerian, and vervain. This blend will
also lull you to sleep on a sleepless night.

Victoria Snelling


 Fucus For The Thyroid Gland

Chemical medication is the most common treatment for an
under-active thyroid gland. Nutritional kelp will help to
nourish the thyroid, and the seaweed Fucus will help to
balance the activity of the thyroid gland.

Victoria Snelling


 Aromatherapy For Dandruff

After shampooing, use a diluted solution of conditioner, or
plain water, to which you've added one or two drops of
essential oil of rosemary and rose geranium. Rub into the
scalp and leave for 8-10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and
repeat with every other shampoo.

Victoria Snelling


 Fall Allergy

Hay fever or ragweed allergy affects a large area of the
United States from mid-August until the first hard frost in
late fall. To boost the immune system, use boneset, blue
flag, and hyssop.

Victoria Snelling


 Cold Sores

Cold sores, or herpes simplex, can be very painful and an
outbreak may last up to two weeks. Look for a topical
ointment in your local health food store containing lemon
balm (Melissa officinalis) and licorice (Glycyrrhiza
glabra). Applying this ointment at the first sign of an
outbreak (burning, itching, or pain) may prevent a full

Victoria Snelling



The fruit of Chasteberry, or Vitex agnus castus, is used in
preparing an herbal remedy. Chasteberry can offer relief
form menstrual irregularity and PMS. Another benefit from
this herb is the treatment of scanty milk production in
breast-feeding mothers.

Victoria Snelling


 Devil's Claw For Aches And Sprains

Studies have shown that Devil's Claw has anti-inflammatory
effects and relieves the pain of arthritis. Devil's Claw
also has analgesic effects and will relieve the pain of
minor aches and sprains.

Victoria Snelling


 Elder Flower And Lymphedema

Elder flower is rich in the flavonoids quercetin and rutin,
and is a good source of antioxidants. Recent studies have
suggested using Elderin for treating chronic venous
insuffiency and lymphedema. Lymphatic channels in the body
can become obstructed from infection or after surgery (such
as the arm swelling after mastectomy). This swelling causes
pain and a breakdown of the skin. Elder will improve the
circulation and reduce the edema. Pour boiling water over
two teaspoons of dried Elder flowers, steep for five
minutes and drink two or three times a day.

Victoria Snelling


 Evening Primrose

Evening primrose was traditionally used as an expectorant
for the upper respiratory tract. More recent studies on
evening primrose oil reveal its uses in relieving breast
soreness, PMS and arthritis. Preliminary studies also show
that evening primrose oil may benefit those suffering from
neurological disorders.

Victoria Snelling



Echinacea is our number-one-selling herbal remedy in
America. Interestingly, a Nebraska doctor first learned of
Echinacea's healing properties from local Native Americans.
In fact, by 1900, American drug companies were selling
Echinacea products to treat infections. When the first
synthetic antibiotic was introduced in the 1930s,
production of natural antibiotics all but stopped. However,
Echinacea remains just as useful today as it was in the
past to treat colds, flu, respiratory infections and
urinary tract infections.

Victoria Snelling


 Bilberry And Diarrhea

Bilberry fruit has long been used in Germany to treat
diarrhea. Your local health food store should have a
variety of herbal products containing bilberry fruit.

Note: bilberry leaves have toxic effects and should not be

Victoria Snelling


Did you ever get one of those small splinters that you can
feel inside the skin but can't remove? If so, you should
try slippery elm bark (available in health-food stores).
You'll need the bark in powdered form, or you'll have to
powder it yourself. Add enough purified water to the bark
to make a poultice and place it over the splinter, keeping
it in place with a bandage for at least one-half hour. This
treatment can help coax the splinter out of your skin, and
it promotes healing of the damaged tissue. Continue this
treatment until the splinter comes out.

Carla Joy


Cabbage Poultice

Cabbage, or any leafy green, can be used as a poultice to
draw toxins and impurities from a localized area of the
body. Chopped or ground white cabbage, or cooked and
slightly cooled cabbage can be applied to a boil to draw
toxins to the surface and speed healing.

Victoria Snelling

Artichoke And Dyspepsia

Powdered artichoke and artichoke-based products are used to
treat upset stomach, to protect the liver from toxins and
to cleanse the gallbladder. However, taken in large amounts
and/or taken continuously over a long period of time,
artichoke can decrease blood clotting time. For those on
anticoagulant drugs or with a blood clotting disorder,
limit your use of this product to the recommended dosage on
your product's label.

Victoria Snelling

 Anise And Congestion

Anise is useful in clearing congestion from the upper
respiratory tract. A tea can be made from the spice itself,
or you should be able to find anise essential oil. Sip warm
herbal tea as desired, or add four drops of anise essential
oil to water up to three times a day.

Victoria Snelling

 Fresh Herbs All Year

Professional cooks often keep pots of culinary herbs inside
throughout the year. Remember that you can move some of
your more delicate herbs indoors to prolong their use. Use
care when you're digging up your herbs so you keep their
delicate roots intact. Repot into a clay pot that has
plenty of room for the roots and for fresh soil.

Victoria Snelling

 Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo is the best selling herbal medicine in Europe, with
annual sales of over half a million dollars each year.
Ginkgo, which has been around a long time, was used
medicinally in China more than 3,000 years ago. Today, it
is most often used to improve memory, blood circulation and
depression. Note: Avoid Ginkgo if you regularly take
blood-thinning drugs.

Victoria Snelling

 Drug Tests And Goldenseal

Incorrect information has been widely published on the
Internet claiming that Goldenseal will disguise drug
residues in urine, giving a false negative test on routine
drug screenings. If you're a recreational drug user, be
forewarned that taking Goldenseal before a drug test will
NOT keep you from failing an employer's drug screening

Victoria Snelling


Goldenseal, or Hydrastis canadensis, has been widely
studied. Laboratory trials as well as clinical studies have
shown that Goldenseal will prevent the growth of bacteria,
fungi and viruses. Note that the amount of the active
ingredient in Goldenseal tea might be too small to be of
help. Rely on a good brand (often found combined with
Echinacea) in tincture or capsule form.

Victoria Snelling

 Horse Chestnut Seed

Physicians in the Middle Ages knew that horse chestnut
extract would reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids. This
herbal remedy is still used for that purpose today, as well
as to reduce the swelling of varicose veins. In addition,
fluid extracts of horse chestnut were used to protect the
skin from sun exposure -- the first sun block!

Victoria Snelling

 Hops And Insomnia

The fruit of the hops plant is called a "stobile" and is
the part used in medicinal herbalism. Hops are often used
for anxiety, insomnia and restlessness. Make a strong tea
from the hops and sip it before bedtime. This herbal remedy
is as effective as any sedative and does not produce a
"sleeping pill hangover" the next morning.

Victoria Snelling

 Hawthorn And Irregular Heartbeat

Hawthorn has been used as a heart remedy in America since
the early 1800's. Hawthorn is a cardiac tonic that
strengthens the heartbeat and eliminates irregular
heartbeats. The recommended daily dosage is 160-900 mg of
Hawthorn extract standardized to contain 4-30 mg of
flavonoids and 30-160 mg of oligomeric procyanidins.

Victoria Snelling

 Contact Dermatitis And Herbal Remedies

Contact dermatitis can develop after exposure to chemicals
and allergens like soaps, detergents, solvents,
preservatives and other chemicals. Try to limit or
eliminate exposure and use natural herbal remedies to
soothe the area. Make a very strong tea from Urtica,
rosemary, stellaria, burdock, and cleaver. Use a few or all
of these herbs, depending on what you can find. Apply the
cooled tea to the skin often with a cotton ball. If
desired, you can sip one cup of the tea 2 or 3 times a day.

Victoria Snelling

 Edgar Cayce Remedy For Scars

Edgar Cayce lived from 1877 until 1945 and left an amazing
legacy of healing information. His recipe for the treatment
of scars contains 2 ounces of camphorated oil, one half
teaspoon of dissolved lanolin and one ounce of peanut oil.
Check your local health food store or pharmacy for the
ingredients. Gently massage this mixture into scarred areas
(only after total closure of the skin, if youre treating a
new scar) twice a day to minimize or eliminate scar tissue.

Victoria Snelling

 Clary Sage Or Salvia Sclarea

The name clary sage is an abbreviation of the name clear
eye sage. This herb was traditionally used as an eye rinse
by people who worked in mining to clear the dust and mucous
from their eyes. This herb can be used in soap making, and
its essential oils are relieving to menstrual cramps.

Victoria Snelling

 Balancing The Hormones

Female hormone levels can be out of balance after taking
birth control pills, and herbal therapies offer a solution.
Mix one part each of black cohosh, chasteberry, licorice,
angelica sinensis, and motherwort. Make a strong tea, and
drink one cup up to three times a day for one week.

Victoria Snelling

 Castor Oil For Warts And Moles

A tried and true from Edgar Cayce involves the use of
Castor oil to eliminate warts and moles. Apply a small
amount of pure Castor oil (available in most pharmacies) to
the wart or mole twice a day, with very gentle massage. It
can take several weeks to resolve an old wart or mole, but
your persistence will pay off.

Victoria Snelling

 Aromatherapy And Infertility

Add one drop each of the aromatherapy oils cypress,
clarysage, geranium, Roman chamomile and bergamot to a
light massage oil. Gently massage this scented oil once a
day over the abdomen, hips and lower back. Start this
treatment on the last day of the menstrual period and
continue through the ovulation cycle.

Victoria Snelling

 Aromatherapy For PMS

Melissa aromatherapy oil is useful in regulating the
menstrual cycle. This aromatic oil is also uplifting and so
is helpful for mild depression that can accompany the
period. Use Melissa in bath water, or add a few drops to a
light massage oil for use over the abdomen, hips, and lower

Victoria Snelling

 Oil Of Oregano

Oil of Oregano has a variety of uses from soothing the
lining of the digestive tract, to acting as a uterine
cleanser. It can soothe a cough or headache if taken
internally. Externally, it heals burns, irritated skin, and
relieves stiffness in the joints. Definitely an herb of
many uses.

Victoria Snelling


Mullein, or Verbascum thapsus, is an example of another
plant whose flowers and root have very different uses.
Mullein flowers are used as an expectorant, diuretic and
sedative, and the roots are used to treat cramps and

Victoria Snelling

 Marshmellow Root

Marshmallow root, or Althaea officinalis, is used to treat
irritations of the mouth and throat. The leaves are used as
a tea, or prepared as a tincture for this purpose. Extracts
of the plant's roots are used for stomach upset, ulcers and

Victoria Snelling

 Licorice Root And Pregnancy -- A Caution

Licorice, or Glycyrrhiza glabra, should be avoided by
pregnant and nursing women. There is some evidence that
licorice can cause low birth weight and coronary changes
for the developing baby. However, licorice is safe for men
and non-pregnant women to take. Herbal indications include
the treatment of gastrointestinal ulcers and respiratory

Victoria Snelling

 Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm, or Melissa officinalis, has been used
effectively for stomach complaints and insomnia. The leaves
and flowering tops of the Lemon Balm plant are used
medicinally. They have an odor of lemon, and contain
citronella. New studies are considering Lemon Balm in the
treatment of Rheumatoid arthritis and one form of Lupus --
Lupus erythematosus.

Victoria Snelling

 Kava, Sleep And Skin Reactions

Kava, or Piper methysticum, is effective in treating
depression, anxiety and insomnia. Preliminary studies show
some benefit in the treatment of epilepsy and stroke. Kava
is recommended at 100 mg per day for the conditions
mentioned above. Misuse of kava, i.e., taking it at much
higher than recommended doses over a long period of time,
can result in a scaly skin rash and discoloration of the
hair and nails. Discontinuing the kava resolves these

Victoria Snelling

 Poor Circulation

Even a minor form of poor circulation can result in
painfully cold hands and feet, and extremities with
diminished blood flow. Make a tea with fresh grated ginger
and dried prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum). Brew for 10
minutes, and add a small amount of cayenne pepper, if
desired. Drink one cup 3 times a day.

Victoria Snelling


One cause of indigestion, or dyspepsia, is holiday
overindulgence in food or drink. Make a tea with one
teaspoon of dried meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) per cup
of boiling water. Infuse for 10 minutes. Drink once or
twice a day before your next meal to sooth your digestive

Victoria Snelling

 Methodology - Pressed Juices

Juices pressed from fresh plant materials are rich in
phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. They can be taken
by mouth in the same way as herbal tinctures- diluted in
water. Pressed juices can be added to a light lotion or
cream and applied to the skin.

Victoria Snelling

 Muscular Atrophy

Atrophy or wasting of muscle tissue can occur from a
variety of causes including inactivity, the wearing of a
cast due to fracture as well as certain disease states.
Astragalus herb is a general tonic for muscle tissue and
should be taken in standardized capsule or tincture form as
the label recommends.

Victoria Snelling